School management system plays an essential role in the
current educational system. School authorities all over the world are engaged
in a lot of day-to-day administrative and academic activities to manage and
provide a better academic experience to students effectively. However,
maintaining and keeping track of school administrative activities is not an
easy process in the fast-growing world. It requires hard work and often it is
To better perform the administrative activities of
educational institute and to assure parents the real-time progress and security
of their children, educational institutes utilize school management software
nowadays. Such applications often offer many features that help to enhance the
performance of schools with minimum efforts. The objective of this system is to
manage school activities through software system and avoid manual processing
with online system access to students, teachers, parents and other stakeholders
to view their respective activities.
This school system consists of eight different roles –
students, teachers, parents, principal, administrator, finance administrator,
exam administrator and super administrator. Each role has separate permissions
and menu settings.
Live Demo URL:
Admin Portal Credentials:
Username:- admin
Password:- admin
Key Features:
School system consists of nine main modules.
1. Configurations
2. Students Admission
3. Users
4. Manage Classes
5. Academics
6. Exams
7. Finances
8. Manage Roles
9. Reports